G. The Bosses from
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Moose - Sticksville Construction Site - $2.25 |
Likes to do jump attacks. Favorite move seems to be a punch
followed by a jumping kick. Tends to run. Uses weapons with
nearly the same speed as his attacks. Not a very easy boss to fight
early on, but can be defeated. Attack him while he is going for
weapons, take advantage of the walls around you, and if need be--
knock him into the pit. |
Benny & Clyde - Base of the Capital Ave. Bridge - $3.50 each |
Absolutely love to use weapons. Are quick,
will doubleteam, and will not hesitate to throw you around. Your
best bet is to have either the Stone Hands or Dragon Feet
technique bought by this time. Benny seems slightly quicker and
more apt to block than Clyde. They don't jump too often, but
will take advantage when you are stunned. |
Rocko - Inside the WSL Co. Warehouse - $2.00 |
Fights pretty much like Moose, only the quarters are less cramped.
He's got so so speed, loves weapons, and is dangerous -- however,
if you use the walls and boxes to your advantage (i.e. to avoid
always being on the same plane as Rocko) you will be fine. If you
have one of the triple attack techniques by now, Rocko is toast. |
Blade - Sherman Park - $3.50 |
After beating Rocko, he tells you to head back to Sherman Park
(i.e. the entrance is located in Sticksville, the Frat Boys usual
home) to fight Blade--The first of the Zombies. Blade loves
weapons, will block ad infinitum, and knocks off damage like a
freight train. He's very into jump attacks also. Your best bet
is to get him while he has a weapon, since he'll be (A LITTLE)
slower. Also, the columns and benches in the park provide
strategic spots for taking cheap shots at him. |
Turk - Third portion of Armstrong Thru-Way - $2.50 |
Another unannounced Zombie to get in your way. He fights
exactly like Blade and Mojo, so refer to their sections. One
caveat--you have no walls or obstacles to hide behind this time.
If you aren't powered up, you will be slaughtered. |
Mojo - Downtown "Playground" - $2.50 |
Although Blade says you have to get through Thor to fight Slick,
he neglected to mention the zombie known as Mojo. You'll find
Mojo just before Flatirons Mall, at a makeshift streetfighting
playground (replete with bleachers!). Just like Blade, Mojo
loves weapons, and once again there are plenty of obstacles with
which to stand on. If you aren't powered up, attack via the
walls and bleachers. If you are, hit him when he has a weapon.
Don't fight him too much if he is weaponless, mainly because if
he knocks you down, his throws take mucho stamina. |
Thor - Vacant 3rd Wheel Factory - $3.75 |
If you've beaten all of the zombies mentioned above, you can
have the honor of fighting Thor in the back room of the Vacant
3rd Wheel Factory. Again, he fights similar to the others, with
one notable exception--There's a huge pit on his level.
Basically, use the elevated floor to your advantage, and don't
get thrown into the pit. |
Benny & Clyde - Burb Village Health Club - $3.50 each |
They fight the exact same as they did previously, only now they
(and you hopefully) are powered up. Attack them one at a time,
don't get in between them, and don't turn your back--that's all
you need for these clowns. When defeated, $7.00 for you (hint
hint: they are a great way to get rich). |
Ivan - Just outside of River City High School - $8.75 |
A rather anomolous boss to say the least. Wearing a dark green
shirt, this guy is one badass mofo. Unlike his shirt though, he
doesn't fight like a wimpy International. He is fast, has many
jump attacks, and loves to thwap you in midair with weapons. He
also has a viscious headbutt that does major damage even when
your character is maxed out. On the upshot, if you have any of
the triple attacks by now, and have bought ample powerups, you'll
eat him for breakfast in no time. Wait til he picks up a weapon
and let him have it. |
Otis - River City High School Gym - $4.00 |
He could be a zombie, or he might be a very angry Plague member;
either way, he's mad. You're wearing gym shoes on his floor,
and he's not happy. He loves jump attacks, two-in-ones, and will
gladly throw you all over if given half a chance. Your best bet
is to use elevated objects, or to at least have your punch or
kicks maxed out (including either Dragon Feet or Stone Hands).
By this late in the game though, he shouldn't be too difficult. |
Tex - 2nd Floor of River City High School - $9.50 |
Finally, a boss representing the Cowboy's gang. Unlike other
bosses though, he has huge bulging eyes and looks like he's
hopped up on Roids. He doesn't fight much different than Otis
or Ivan though. Likes weapons, two-in-ones, and loves to pick
you up and throw you around--sound familiar? Unlike Otis or
Ivan though, he appears with a big fat stick, and isn't afraid
to bash your head in with it. Beware his spinning stick swings
too--they can do you major hurt if you're unlucky enough to be
hit by them. Get in the first hit and take him down--heck,
he'll even cheer you on. |
Randy & Andy - 3rd floor of River City High School - $18.00 each |
If you hear the "Double Dragon" theme playing, you know you're
fighting these guys. Not coincidentally, they fight with moves
resembling those of Billy & Jimmy, the Double Dragons. They are
both fast, will throw you if they manage to knock you down, and
have insane attack priority over you. Additionally, they have
a viscious triple spin kick. That's not the worst part though--
the worst is that their attacks will do HUGE damage on you, to
the tune of between 30 & 60 points per successful blow. Fight
them one at a time, throw them if you can, and make sure your
attacks are powered up mucho. It also couldn't hurt to get the
"grand slam" power up and bring along Tex's stick. |
Slick (a.k.a Simon) - River City High School roof |
Ah yes, Slick turns out to be none other than Simon, famous of
Double Dragon fame. Compared to Randy & Andy he is an utter wuss.
He's got moderate speed, will jump with weapons, and likes jump
attacks. However, he doesn't seem to block as smartly as he
should, and he's very susceptible to being picked up and tossed
when on the ground. He's got the same vulnerabilities his
minions have when it comes to picking up weapons also. In short,
by the time you reach him, you should be able to beat him. |
 International cuisine before thwaping Thor thilly.
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