E. The "Goodies" from
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 Alex & Ryan |
In a one player game you can be either of them. In a 2-Player
game both of them get to kick some gang butt. Other than Ryan having
a blue shirt, he's not physically different from Alex. You gotta love
'em though, since they're your main characters :) |
 Roxy |
Slick's girlfriend, who has a change of heart and informs you
of Cyndi's whereabouts. She also warns you about the twins, and
basically kicks the plot into high gear when it's needed most. |
 Cyndi |
Ryan's girlfriend, who seems to be more interested in shopping
than the predicament she is in. For proof of this, beat the twins inside
River City High, and go into the door just left of where you met Randy &
Andy. Cyndi's being held there, and yet she'll chew you out for being
late--she's so grateful, isn't she? |
Sad to say, but other than the mall workers, that's about it in the
way of good guys. 500 of them, 4 of you - nice odds eh?
 I don't think they have the new Prodigy CD
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