B. The Plot to

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It's a nice, clear day out, so like any self-respecting High School students, you and your friend Alex ditch school and spend most of the day socializing. Rather than dwell on the fact that you have a math test tomorrow, you decide to meet up with your girlfriend, Cyndi, and go shopping. Unfortunately, this means heading back to school, but hey--that's in a few hours, so you're not going to get too distracted from your double mocha latte.

After a few hours have gone by, you head back over to school and take the long walk up the curiously empty steps. Stopping by your locker to pick up your jacket, you note a "post-it" stuck to your locker door. Upon closer inspection, it reads:

	     I hold your city captive & 
              RYAN's girlfriend hostage.
              With my gangs of students &
              evil bosses, nobody can stop
              me now. Meet my demands - or 
              else!... P.S. Alex & Ryan if
              you interfere, you'll be in
              for the fight of your lives!
              ... SLICK

Argh! Just what you need on a day like this--pathetic melodrama. Thanks to a rather conceited note, it looks like you're going to spend your day kicking butt and taking names. Wait a minute, where did all of the other students go? Did Slick kidnap them too? Hmmm.... Ah well, can't dwell on that now, you gotta save this town and get Cyndi back to her shopping before the Malls close. (You know how she hates to miss a sale)

Well Ryan, it's up to you to save Cyndi and free the town from the clutches of the evil Slick. Then again, you could just ask Alex to do it, or at least enlist his help in the fight. Hmmm, so many options, so little time. Hmmm... your jacket's not inside your locker. Aigh! Slick stole that too?! That's it! It's on now.

Your Quest Begins

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